Our Society Welcomes New Members
Members don’t pay dues, are entitled to attend and vote at Annual General Meetings and attend special meetings held to further restorative justice awareness and deal with the business of the Society. A strong membership base demonstrates that the objectives of the Society are highly regarded, wherever members may live.
Membership demonstrates community support for restorative justice. We welcome members from the local community, as often membership may lead to restorative justice training and facilitation.
However, membership need not be local or focused on facilitation. There are a variety of ways that individuals can be meaningfully involved, even at a distance. There is a need to publish and edit articles posted to the website, develop vision, theme and logo, write grant proposals, search for grant proposals, develop fundraising ideas, broaden our client base and write summary reports. So if any or all of that sounds interesting, and we hope it does, please let us know.